Saberidge is so excited to welcome our little leprechauns! Tazo x Viva puppies were born March 17th, 2017. Please see our puppy page for more information and additional pictures.
Last weekend, BISS GCH Saberidge Roar Of Thunder By HPK-Tropaco (Tazo) wins Best of Breed at Silver Bay entry of 45 and Lamarde Perro "N" Saberidges Lightning Strikes Twice wins WB from the 9-12 puppy class at the Beverly Hills KC. We are so proud!
Saberidge is so proud of Keena, "Lamarde Perro "N" Saberidge's Lightning Strikes Twice" for going Best in Sweeps at the San Diego Rhodesian Ridgeback Club's Regional Specialty in Indio.
Saberidge is also proud to announce our new Grand Champion, Tazo, "BISS GCH Sabridge Roar of Thunder by HPK-Tropaco after winning Select Dog with an entry of 77 at the Inland Empire Hound Club. |
Check this page for updates on the antics and adventures of our dogs, as well as our extended family-their owners.